ACLU of Maryland stands up for youth and parent rights in
Montgomery County juvenile curfew controversy



July 21, 2011

CONTACT: Meredith Curtis, ACLU of Maryland, 410-889-8555;
Melissa Goemann, ACLU Legislative Director, 410-693-4877;

The ACLU of Maryland will testify against the proposed juvenile curfew before the Montgomery County Council on Tuesday, July 26, at 1:30 pm along with many young people, community members, and advocates. The hearing will be held in the Council Hearing Room, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD.

The following may be attributed to Melissa Goemann, Legislative Director for the ACLU of Maryland:

"The ACLU of Maryland has long opposed juvenile curfew ordinances as a violation of fundamental liberties of innocent people. They criminalize innocent conduct and infringe on the rights of both young people and their parents. Curfews, at their core, essentially place everyone in a particular demographic under 'house arrest' for the actions of a minority. And past experience has shown us the real risks of racial profiling in curfew law enforcement, which must not be tolerated."
