Amidst relentless public pressure, the Governor released a supplemental budget restoring $125 million in funding for Baltimore City and Prince George's County schools
ANNAPOLIS, MD – The Maryland Alliance for Racial Equity in Education (MAREE) issued the following statement after the governor reversed his decision to cut $125 M of education effort adjustment dollars in Prince George’s County and Baltimore City. The news comes after MAREE spoke out last week joining other education advocates to pressure the governor to undo the budget gap.
“We applaud every advocate, ally, policymaker, parent, and student who spoke out in support of Black and brown student education: it is because of you that the education budget now includes the $26M for Prince George’s County and $99M for Baltimore City, as called for in the Blueprint law. Maryland’s goal should be to fiercely undo the disparity gaps faced by Black and brown students. MAREE will continue holding Maryland policymakers accountable for the full funding and equitable implementation of the Blueprint, which, if done with fidelity, can be transformational.”
The Maryland Alliance for Racial Equity in Education (MAREE) is an alliance of education advocacy, civil rights, and community-based organizations that are committed to eliminating racial disparities in Maryland’s education system. Coalition members issuing the statement include 1977-II Action Group, Attendance Works, Strong Schools Maryland, World Class Graduates, ACLU of Maryland, Alliance for Maryland Parents, Teachers and Students, immigrant advocacy organization CASA, Greater Baltimore Urban League, The Education Trust, and the Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence.