Past Events

Netroots Nation 2024

The ACLU of Maryland is organizing a panel on Thursday, July 11, at 1 p.m., on local community control of the Baltimore City Police Department, an important campaign that the ACLU of Maryland has been working with allies on for years.

July 11, 2024

Care Not Cages Rally

Join us at the Maryland Youth Justice Coalition rally in Annapolis to demand that Governor Moore veto HB 814.

April 18, 2024

CJSJ Town Hall: What's Happening on the Hill?

Protecting children's rights, police accountability, voting rights, and more.

Join us at the next Campaign for Justice, Safety, and Jobs (CJSJ) town hall to learn about what we are working on in Annapolis and how you can join the fight.

February 23, 2024

2024 Eastern Shore Town Hall - Legislative Updates

Join us for an ACLU of Maryland Town Hall about protecting our children’s due process rights. This is an opportunity to learn how you can advocate with fellow Marylanders in our state’s capital this General Assembly.

February 1, 2024